When it’s time for work and when for fun

stop sign3I read very intersting (like always) post by Seth Godin “Are you making something?”

Seth suggested that because we are so often ‘distracted’ by so many things – we are instead of working (creating something) we are doing something like playing games etc.
He suggested that it helps if we have separate device strictly for work and another one for other activities:

The two-device solution
Simple but bold: Only use your computer for work. Real work. The work of making something.

That’s good idea, but sometimes, I think it would be hard to do that – separate those two worlds (work and fun). And on top of that – two devices? well, I think that many of us already working using two or more devices (mobile, tablet, computer). It would be hard just to adjust to one task-kind on one device. We are using all those devices for multi-purpose.

…what about creating a schedule – what and when we will do/work on? What about all those apps we can use – which can help us to keep focus on one thing at the time (check this post for more). Then we can use one device and still do some productive WORK

Seth Godin andhis blog

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